Longlife Pet Supplements, 77007
Dr. Stephen Tobin
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Longlife Pet Supplements

In Memoriam – Dr. Stephen Tobin (1945-2021)

It is with great sadness that we announce the untimely and unexpected passing of Dr. Stephen Tobin, our lead veterinarian and longtime friend. Dr. Tobin first tried Longlife over 20 years ago and after noting promising results in his patients, undertook an in-depth study to determine the extent of its benefits on his own patients. Dr. Tobin often advised us of the great results he saw in his patients that were given Longlife. He was a proponent of Longlife, stating that even patients who were on other supplements and doing well, did better on the Longlife Program.

In addition to enriching us with his abundant wisdom and knowledge, he gave advise on our supplement and made recommendations regarding the best Longlife Program for our customers. Over the years, we had countless discussions with Dr. Tobin about the holistic approach to veterinary medicine and incorporating Longlife from the early stages of a dog’s life, together with traditional veterinary care. His advice and counsel were invaluable. As the owner of Longlife, his friendship to me was immeasurable. Whether discussing Longlife, other holistic approaches to veterinary medicine, politics, gardening (along with shipping each other homemade salsas), or just life in general, Dr. Tobin exhibited his wisdom, compassion, and sense of humor. He was a passionate and caring man whom I will greatly miss.

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