Our History
Longlife Pet Supplements is a small company based in Houston, Texas. For 24 years we have been providing customized programs designed to optimize the health of our furry friends. We are the first company to offer programs designed with very specific dosages to be given at certain times on certain days, taking into consideration all the factors affecting your pet’s health, such as age, weight, breed, life expectancy for the breed, ailment, severity of the ailment, and health of the animal. All along, this has differentiated us from every other pet supplement company.
Our Philosophy
Our pets give us unconditional love and devotion. They make us feel better when we are down, relieve our pain, and improve our outlook on life. The most important thing we can offer them in return is quality of life. They don’t have much time here on our beautiful earth, so while they are with us, the best thing we can do is provide them with the best products that will make their lives as comfortable and pleasant as possible.We love animals and consider pets to be part of our family, and we only sell our products to you if we believe that your pet needs them. We are motivated by our deep love for pets, and the health of your pets always takes priority over our bottom line.
Our Commitment
We are committed to premium quality. Our products are effective and all-natural, and they have no binders, fillers, deodorizers, or additives. We test our products together to ensure that they provide necessary vitamins and minerals and maximum protection.We believe that pet owners should seek the support of a trusted veterinarian to guide them in the care of their pets. We are happy to contribute to your pet’s health and quality of life.Remember… “Quality of Life Equals Longlife!”